Opsie! Don’t look now but it seems that Microsoft’s $100 million marketing investment coupled with the slew of enhancements and usability features that it is introducing the past couple of months is finally reaping them rewards. And the reward comes by way of an increase of 0.4% in their U.S. search market share for August.
That figure may look small in numbers but what makes this sweet for Bing is the fact that it is the only search engine that grew in market share for August, data from comScore revealed (as reported by TechCrunch).
Google’s search query volume in the U.S. decreased by 0.1%, Yahoo’s share did not change .
If we are to add up all the increases in Bing’s search market share since its launch in May, we now have a total of 1.3%. Again it may not be that much but the important thing to note is that it is steadily gaining since then. A few days ago, Nielsen declared Bing as the fastest growing search engine.
Should Google start worrying about this now?
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Posted By: KirubaKaran
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist