Here is Script to automatically download files from rapidshare as free user. More advanced, deals with all possible errors and responds accordingly.
Rapidshare AutoWait - Greasemonkey Script for Firefox
This script can automatically download files from On the first page it clicks on Free Download, then it waits until the download is ready (this also deals with all possible errors - another download in progress, 15 minute limit, session expired, .. can be extended easily). Then it waits those few seconds during countdown and clicks on the download link.
It means that if you set up Firefox to download rar files without asking and set up a default download directory, you really don’t have to care about anything else. You will still need to wait all those timeouts and countdowns, but you won’t have to sit in front of your computer to do that
The script also displays status messages in the window title, so you can see how all your files are doing.
Link : Install Rapidshare AutoWait (for Greasemonkey)
The script also displays status messages in the window title, so you can see how all your files are doing.
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Posted By: KirubaKaran
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist