As you know already, Google will launch a new computer operating system sometime in the second half of 2010. The Google Chrome OS will be Linux-based and, like all other Google products, consumers will be able to download and install the OS for free on their PCs that have either x86 or ARM processors (commonly found in netbooks).
All that we know about Google Chrome OS today is based on a couple of blog posts that were published on the official Google blog and therefore it’s fairly early to predict if the Chrome operating system will make any impact on the market-share of Windows.
I was recently filling a survey commissioned by Microsoft for the Windows 7 launch party and it had a very interesting question – "How favorable or unfavorable your impression is of the following OS brands." The choices were Windows, Mac, Linux and Google Chrome.
Not sure if anyone outside the Googleplex has seen a working demo of Chrome OS and the final launch is several months away but Microsoft already looks pretty curious to know the public perception of the Gogle product based on all the initial buzz. Here’s a screenshot from the survey.
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Posted By: KirubaKaran
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist