Want to make assignment for your school or college? Then all you need is an internet connection because the internet is full of e-books on almost every topic you want. But what most of the people do is that they read text from such E-books available online and type it again on MS word as these e-books are secured or protected and cannot be copied. Secured e-books are obviously good for the author as it helps to reduce the piracy of books from original authors, but if you want to use it for your own work then just follow these simple steps to copy contents from such protected PDF files.
Steps for Copying Text from PDF Files
- Download any PDF-to-word converter which converts .pdf files to .doc files. One such tool is available here for free.
Install the software on your PC by double clicking on the set-up (Hello PDF in our case).
Click Browse (shown by the arrow above) and select your PDF file, then click to convert it into your word file. It’s better to keep the other option as it is.
Edit, Copy or do whatever changes you want to do in your word file. You can even add images to it.
Feel free to ask something in comments if you are stuck somewhere.
(Kindly do NOT use this trick for removing the credits of original author)
Link: Download Hello PDF Software[VIA]
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Posted By: KirubaKaran
Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist