Image Search With BING & GOOGLE

If you are among those who have been depending mainly on Google Image Search for the pictures to be inserted in your slide shows, blogs, etc., things won’t be the same after you have completed reading this article.

Google Image Search vs Bing

Since Bing was launched on 1st of this month, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding it and its threat to Google. Well, let’s see where Bing’s Image Search stands in comparison to Google Image Search.

Let’s see the differences under the following criteria:


1. Search Accuracy

Basis: The relevance to the searched term and the quality of the first 15 images returned by both the search engines.

While Google was good as ever, Bing was right on target almost every time, as in to exclaim: BINGO!! That’s what I was looking for. (In fact, I gave Bing Image search a try only when simple search terms like - ‘follow on Facebook and ‘hello’ forced me to go to the 3rd page of Google Images.)

2. User Interface

Basis: Ease of use, including that of the additional image sorting options.

Google’s additional image sorting options on the top bar aren’t that obvious. On the other hand, Bing has dedicated a full left column to it, leave apart its elegant look and “show similar images” option below every image on hovering.


Moreover, when it comes to pagination, Bing Image Search has none !! Surprised?  You just need to keep scrolling down till you find what you want. That reduces search time drastically.


3. Image sorting options

This is one field where Bing has clearly surpassed Google. The “Show similar Images” option below every image on hovering works like a charm. Its other options like: sort by Size, Layout, Color, Style, People appears to be more efficient and useful than the fewer: sort by size, content and color options provided by Google.

Moreover, Bing offers 4 Image viewing options: ” Zoom Small, Medium, Large and Show Image details”  (top right corner).

Even while viewing a particular image in Bing, you can see the related images displayed in the left column giving a Youtube like feel for Images.



Though in some aspects, like searching for clip arts and line drawings,  Google image search is still unique, its very evident that Bing has done its homework really well. As far as Image search is concerned, Bing deserves a pat on the back for raising the bar.

With Google known for its simplicity and obsession for statistics rather than looks, its interesting to see how Microsoft has made a thorough analysis of all the possible weaknesses of Google Image Search and tried to overcome them in style. Lets see what changes Bing forces onto Google.

As I submit this query of mine: “Whether Bing is the Google Killer?” to: Time and Statistical data and leave you with a small Screen cast (prepared only for you), I would love to hear your views.

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Posted By: KirubaKaran
Microsoft Certified Professional