Best tweets for Microsoft's MVP Summit

So far, I have resisted the siren call of Twitter. But I love Twitter search — especially when a tweet-happy Microsoft group is posting up a storm.


Microsoft’s (more or less) annual summit for its Most Valuable Professionals  (MVPs) is happening this week. And like lots of other reporters and bloggers, I’m keeping up vicariously via the Twitter streams.

MVPs are Microsoft’s volunteer army of product and technology experts. This week, about 1,500 of them are in the Seattle/Redmond area to meet, greet and get debriefed.

Microsoft officials are really trying to crack down on MVPs who are flouting their NDAs (non-disclosure agreements) this year. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t entertainment value in what is (and isn’t) being tweeted.

Here are my 10 favorite tweets from it (so far). Some are about products; some are about people. And some are just funny for those of us who know the MVPs and product manages who love (and curse) them.

In no particular order (and with no credit to the twits who said them, so as to keep various folks out of trouble):

  • QA session with Win7 Media Center team. 6 MVPs, 22 team members . . . Lots of questions and answers. some good.
  • Vs2010 slowly gets the RAD-Comfort of what Visual FoxPro had since 12 years! Codename Kitty Hawk works like Visual Extend Framework
  • Code Contracts was born from Spec#. It escaped from the lab and it’s wreaking havoc in the village. :)
  • Judging from the hair color… Visual C++ is old man’s game now.
  • MVP Summit Live search update will be discussed in Steve Balmers Speech on Wednesday
  • New Term at #MVP09 “Draggie Droppie Thingie”
  • Picture #MVP09 to be like DBAs Gone Wild only without all showing of t**s (well, except for @SQLBoyWonder of course.)
  • The “Online Nudity” teleprompter goof pic: (expand) (this was really funny)
  • HELP!! The Microsoft censors are chasing me with a rattan cane!!!
  • Would love if slides don’t use red and green to differentiate. Partially color blind guys like myself can’t see the differences

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Posted By: R.v.KirubaKaran
Microsoft Certified Professional