What are barcodes and what are they used for?

Barcodes store machine-readable information and this information is read with the help of barcode readers, also called barcode scanners. The most common barcodes store less information than most of us would think, but their use saves businesses tremendous amounts of money and time. Typically, the primary purposes of the common, 1D barcode is to store a “code” that identifies specific product; in retail stores if barcodes weren’t used, each product’s information would have to be typed in manually at the register, which takes on average three times longer.

However, this is only one side of the process – when the product’s label is scanned by the barcode reader, not only the price of the product is obtained and added to the customer’s bill, but the item is deducted from the inventory’s list. In case when the inventory system is fully computerized, as soon as the stock of this item goes below certain level, either automatic order will be placed with the supplier, or the item will be added to a database of low-stock items and a manager will decide if more quantities need to be ordered.

Barcode and barcode readers are also widely used because they are inexpensive; of course, large industrial barcode readers can cost thousands of dollars, but they process enormous amount of barcode labels in a single day, so in the long run they are likely to save an organization hundreds of thousands. Large, omni-directional scanners are used in the postal offices for processing packages and at the airports for the same purpose – these scanners can read barcode labels that are wrinkled and even damaged, and are often used in conjunction with other sorting equipment in order to establish the parcel’s weight, origin, and destination.

Barcodes are also error-free! Well, almost – barcode scanning produces less than one error per one million characters, while manual writing and typing leads to one error per 300 characters. Barcode scanning is also much quicker – even with a handheld scanner, a label can be read in a matter of seconds.

Barcodes also allow information to be stored in a way that is tailored to a specific industry, which is possible by using different symbologies. Typically, the barcodes are used with database-driven software applications, and when specific types of barcode symbology become standard for an industry, this ensures smooth processing of goods and documentation.

Source: http://www.barcodescanners.me/

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For over 4 years, Trridev Labels has provided Barcoding solutions and Barcoding equipment to a wide range of large and small companies in virtually every industry sector. Trridev Labels offers more than 10,000 brand name products and services such as Barcode Labels, Barcode Printers, Barcode Scanners, Thermal Transfer Ribbons (Wax, Wax Resin, Resin), ID Card Printers.

Contact Trridev Labelss Mfg Co – If you have requirement of  Barcode Labels, Barcode Printers , Barcode Scanners, self Adhesive Labels, Computer Labels, Multi-color labels, Security labels. We provide you a complete solutions for barcode.

Call us at +91 - 96000 07995 / 98840 42305 To Get the Best Price Tagged with Best Quality.

National Entrepreneurs’ Day

You didn’t.  Because thereis no National Entrepreneurs’ Day.  Mothers, fathers, grandparents, and even love (Valentine’s Day) rightly have days to recognize how important they are to us, but currently there is no day set aside to honor the contributions entrepreneurs have made in our society. Now a couple of creative young entrepreneurs are out to change that.  David Hauser and Siamak Taghaddos, founders of Grasshopper Group, have created a movement to get President Barack Obama to declare March 20th, 2011 as the first National Entrepreneurs’ Day, and they’re using a medium close to the President’s heart to do it – the Internet.  Their site,EntrepreneursDay.org, taps into the power of Twitter to spread the word and reach their goal of 1,000,000 “signatures.”

So what’s this movement all about?  According to the organizers, it’s about what we entrepreneurs have always known: Entrepreneurs are the true drivers of the economy and the ones who will take the doom and gloom we hear from so called economic “experts” every day on the news and turn it around.  We’re the ones who either don’t pay any attention to the media and others claiming everything is so, so terrible, or hear them out then do our thing anyway.  From building and leasing real estate and engaging professional firms to buying materials and supplies, and of course adding jobs, entrepreneurs collectively keep our economy driving forward.  Siamak Taghaddos says, “Entrepreneurs are America’s real ‘bailout’,” and he’s absolutely right.

National Entrepreneurs Day

So should we have a day recognizing entrepreneurs?  Of course we should.  Other countries acknowledge the contributions of entrepreneurs with their own Entrepreneur Days.  Even China does so!  It seems strange that the most entrepreneurial country in the world doesn’t do the same.  After all, the entrepreneurial spirit is what made the U.S. possible.  Our founding fathers were full of entrepreneurial qualities, like the need to be independent, an ability to think outside the box, and a will to buck the system.  Let’s give that spirit its due and get behind the push for National Entrepreneurs’ Day.

We recently received an update from the Grasshopper team, as follows:Great news! There was so much buzz and excitement around Entrepreneurs’ Day in the first week, the president of The Kaufman Foundation gave us a call.  Kaufman said they heard about this from over 80 different people, and so they had to reach out!  They want to make “National Entrepreneurs’ Day” the first day of their National Entrepreneur Week (which has become very  big).  They want to keep it exactly as it is now (i.e. not brand it to be a Kaufman sponsored day), but have it be the “Launch Party” for the week.  It’s very exciting, and with Kaufman’s help if we can get a ton more signatures we can really get this in front of the right people!

At the time of this writing, only about a week after its launch, the site has nearly 1,500 supporters, and it’s growing fast.  Some of the more prominent supporters are Pat Condon, founder of Rackspace, Noah Everett, founder of TwitPic, 37Signals founder and author, Jason Fried, and Dharmesh Shah, the founder of HubSpot.  Of course the list is huge, but that’s a few.  Now it’s your turn.  Head over to EntrepreneursDay.org and join the cause.  It’s a quick and painless signup with your Twitter account, and you just might get some recognition too.  And you’ll know you were part of history next March, when you hear people saying, “Happy Entrepreneurs’ Day!”

Original Blog Post : www.youngentrepreneur.com/

For over 4 years, Trridev Labels has provided automation solutions and barcoding equipment to a wide range of large and small companies in virtually every industry sector. Trridev Labels offers more than 10,000 brand name products and services such as barcode printers and zebra printers.

Contact Trridev Labelss Mfg Co – If you have requirement of  Barcode Labels, Barcode Printers , Barcode Scanners, self Adhesive Labels, Computer Labels, Multi-color labels, Security labels. We provide you a complete solutions for barcode.

Call us at 96000 07995 / 98840 42305 To Get the Best Price Tagged with Best Quality.

Also follow me at twitter to know what I am doing.

Posted By: KirubaKaran

Web Marketing Executive – Trridev Labels Mfg Co

Marketing In Twitter and Facebook

And beats its pants off. [Sorry we were just brainstorming linkbait titles about John Daly's pants.]

I was asked to speak about “Capitalizing on the Twitter Revolution” at Pubcon. So I talked about Facebook.


I said: “Twitter revolution? Didn’t that happen in 2008?”

The following chart shows Twitter really taking off in 2009, but…

But Twitter was a lot cooler in 2008 when it was smaller. And the following chart shows something very interesting about Twitter for marketers:

Interest in Twitter marketing grew in the first half of 2009 but has stagnated since.

In my work with TweetROI, I’ve monitored what people tweet on phrases like “twitter marketing” and most of what I saw was the spammiest, lowest quality Internet Marketing- hypey new product cut-and-run strategies and lazy, uncreative tweet promotions.

Also look at this:

The volume is lower and the lines more volatile, but Twitter marketing is clearly losing to Facebook marketing and stagnating.

Why is this happening?

Yes,I have enjoyed Twitter’s geekiness. I have no problem with @ symbols or formulaic syntax. But not everyone in the U.S. or the World is like that.

Oh yes, the mainstream people.

That’s why the Twitter/Facebook comparison looks like this:

Facebook truly dwarfs Twitter. And yet the corporate search/social industry talks WAY more about Twitter. And there was a session devoted entirely to Twitter at Pubcon, but no session about Facebook. Alison Driscoll, to my knowledge, is the only other person who talked about Facebook.

Why Do Geeks Prefer Twitter?

Perhaps because everyone in the industry, like me, was avoiding Facebook and enraptured by Twitter. And because there weren’t as many public case studies of Facebook marketing success as there were for Twitter.

Is this fundamentally fallacious? Twitter had great synergy with writers – the press, and bloggers – so it was more scrutinized and buzzed up.

Facebook is multimedia and holistic but dare-I-say “common”. It’s easier to be condescendingly expert on Twitter’s side than Facebook’s.

So as is typical for me, I’ll buck the trend.

Here are 5 Reasons Facebook Marketing Slaps Twitter Marketing In The Face:

  1. Huge Penetration: As the search volume Insights charts show, Facebook is more popular, and Twitter marketing is stagnant.
  2. Reliable Stats: Facebook’s built-in engagement stats rock, they tell you what FB cares about, and they won’t just disappear any old day like a third party Twitter app might.
  3. Ad Integration & Targeting: Facebook ads are a powerful synergistic way to add power to your FB page, and their targeting ability ROCKS.
  4. Mainstream Appeal: Facebook is multimedia – pictures and video – and if you didn’t notice, people like TV better than books. Facebook is more engaging and intuitive for normal people. (No, geeks are not normal people)
  5. Braslow’s Hierarchy of Awesomeness (see below): This classic marketing framework Icreated two weeks ago demonstrates the importance of brand. It’s easier to brand with Facebook than Twitter. Branding is key in red oceans because it’s the only thing your competitors can’t copy.

In other words, right now if you ignore Facebook marketing, you’re like a 1986 Sony fan ignoring VHS. I knew a guy like that and he was an alcoholic. In other words, you’re an alcoholic geek. I’m kidding! I’m not saying Twitter is Betamax and going away, but you can’t ignore what the mainstream prefers, unless you only market to internet geeks.

Check out my whole Twitter Marketing vs Facebook Marketing presentation on Slideshare- it’s funny and it includes tips on how to get more page fans- oops I mean page likers.

Yeah I’d rather be a liker than a fan, wouldn’t you? ;-p

Original Source : www.searchenginejournal.com

Trridev-Zebra Banner

Trridev-Zebra Banner

For over 4 years, Trridev Labels has provided automation solutions and barcoding equipment to a wide range of large and small companies in virtually every industry sector. Trridev Labels offers more than 10,000 brand name products and services such as barcode printers and zebra printers.

Contact Trridev Labelss Mfg Co – If you have requirement of  Barcode Labels, Barcode Printers , Barcode Scanners, self Adhesive Labels, Computer Labels, Multi-color labels, Security labels. We provide you a complete solutions for barcode.

Call us at 96000 07995 / 98840 42305 To Get the Best Price Tagged with Best Quality.

Also follow me at twitter to know what I am doing.

Posted By: KirubaKaran

Web Marketing Executive – Trridev Labels Mfg Co